When an empty space would be struck, a card bearing this sigil will move to that space to receive the strike instead.
Burrower is a sigil which causes a card bearing it to automatically move to block incoming direct damage in the vulnerable space.
When an empty space would be struck, a card bearing this sigil will instead move to that space and take the full damage. Unlike the Sprinter sigil, cards bearing this sigil can move from their current position to a new position regardless of any cards in between. This effect can trigger multiple times in a single turn, and if a card with this sigil is killed after moving to a new space, overkill damage can immediately be dealt to the card behind. If an opposing card with the Airborne sigil attacks, a card with this sigil will not move to block the attack unless it has Mighty Leap.
In Battle[]
Cards bearing this sigil rarely stay in the space they are played, so it's generally beneficial to place them in front of cards that need defeating, or to place them in front of empty spaces to land a direct hit before they move. Take extreme care when dealing with Touch of Death, as it counters this sigil well: if the card with Touch of Death isn't being blocked, it's often worth waiting until said card is defeated to play Burrower cards.
This sigil is entirely defensive, so it's recommended to give this to a high Health card that doesn't have it, such as River Snapper, or to increase the Health of a card bearing this sigil at a Campfire. This sigil can be paired with Detonator or Sharp Quills to make it highly dangerous to deal with, or combined with Nano Armor or Mighty Leap to increase its defensive capabilities.
- Burrower is internally referred to as 'WhackAMole'.