Dam Builder is a sigil which causes a card to create Dam cards on the spaces to the left and right of the card when it is played. If an adjacent space is occupied by a card, then a Dam is not created there. Dams adopt any other sigils from the card that spawned them, potentially being extremely powerful because of this.
On its own, Dam Builder is a defensive sigil that creates two extra units to help prevent damage. The Dams themselves are relatively frail, usually only able to protect against one attack. Also, as they are Terrain cards, they cannot be sacrificed, so use them with the purpose of blocking an attack. This makes the un-upgraded Beaver situational in its effectiveness due to its cost and lack of other abilities or significant stats. It synergises well with bone cost cards, keeping you alive while providing extra bodies that give more bones upon death.
Good Upgrades
- Sigils that depend on being damaged such as Bees Within and Sharp Quills can have their effects multiplied.
- Fledgling will buff the Power and Health of the cards if they survive, and turn the dams in God Dams.
- Burrower will ensure that several attacks are blocked, even if a card perishes.
- Bone King can be used to generate a large amount of Bones when the cards perish.
- Unkillable returns the Dams to your hand, which can then be played for free as blocking units.
- Leader allows the Dams to fight back, while also buffing the Power of the Beaver for as long as the Dams are in play.
- Stinky reduces the Power of multiple opposing cards at once.
- Mighty Leap can stop 3 Airborne units at once.
- Worthy Sacrifice allows the Dams to be used as sacrifices, allowing any high cost card to be played immediately.
- Kraken Waterborne makes 3 random tentacle cards.
- Bone Digger Allows for 3 bones each turn.
Situational Upgrades
- Brood Parasite can block two more lanes that can never be used unless cards with Hefty or Rampager move them.
Bad Upgrades
- Campfire buffs only benefit the Card and not the Dams.
- Moving Sigils such as Sprinter and Hefty can be difficult to manage when on multiple cards.
- Many Lives is worthless on terrain cards.
- Waterborne stops the Dams from blocking, negating their default purpose.
- Airborne doesn't help Dams with 0 Power.