The might of the moose cannot be halted.
Hefty is a Sigil which allows a card to move in the direction inscribed in the sigil at the end of the owner's turn, pushing any cards in the way in the same direction.
At the end of the owner's turn, a card bearing this sigil will move in the direction inscribed in the sigil. Creatures that are in the way will be pushed in the same direction.
The sigil can point to the left, or to the right, defaulting to the right when it is first played. If the arrow points to an edge, or points in a direction which has no empty space, the sigil will change direction before the card moves. If the card is obstructed on both the left and right (only possible if all lanes on the card's side of the board are occupied), it shakes and does not move.
Cards bearing this sigil move after all damage has been dealt, with each card moving in order from left to right: for example, if two Hefty cards exist in the third and fourth lanes and both sigils point left, then the creature in the third lane will move left into the second lane, followed by the creature in the fourth moving into the third lane. This can lead to some unorthodox effects: if two Hefty cards bear sigils pointing left and exist in the first and second lanes, then the creature in the first lane will turn around and push the other creature to the right, with the creature in the third lane (originally in the second lane) moving left into the first creature, meaning that both creatures move back to their original positions.