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Sigils are additional effects that can be possessed by certain cards. A card can bear multiple Sigils. The effects from these Sigils can be found in the Rule Book, or by right-clicking on a card's Sigil. Most Sigil effects are always in effect or occur automatically under predetermined conditions, though certain cards in Act II possess Activated Sigils that can be triggered anytime during the player's turn, as long as they can pay the necessary cost.

Note that some cards have symbols in place of their Power, which represent a variable number. For instance, the Worker Ant and Ant Queen have Ants power, which changes depending on the number of ants in play. These symbols are defined as variable stats and not sigils.

Some cards bear Sigils naturally, though all cards can obtain new Sigils through certain events.

List of Sigils[]

Act I (Leshy's Cabin) Sigils
# Sigil Name Effect Power Level
1 Ability drawrabbits Rabbit Hole When this card is played, a Rabbit is created in your hand. 3
2 Ability beesonhit Bees Within When this card is struck, a Bee is created in your hand. 3
3 Ability strafe Sprinter At the end of the owner's turn, this card moves in the sigil's direction. 1
4 Ability deathtouch Touch of Death This card instantly kills any card it damages. 4
5 Ability evolve Fledgling After surviving for 1 turn, this card grows into a stronger form. 2
6 Ability createdams Dam Builder When this card is played, Dams are created on adjacent empty spaces. 3
7 Ability tutor Hoarder When this card is played, choose a card from your deck to be drawn immediately. 4
8 Ability whackamole Burrower This card will move to any empty space that is attacked by an enemy to block it. 1
9 Ability drawcopy Fecundity When this card is played, a copy of it enters your hand. 3
10 Ability tailonhit Loose Tail When this card would be struck, a tail is created in its place and this card moves to the right. 2
11 Ability corpseeater Corpse Eater If a card that you own dies by combat, this card is played from your hand on its space. 3
12 Ability quadruplebones Bone King When this card dies, 4 Bones are awarded instead of 1. 2
13 Ability submerge Waterborne On the opponent's turn, creatures attacking this card's space attack directly. 1
14 Ability drawcopyondeath Unkillable When this card perishes, a copy of it enters your hand. 2
15 Ability sharp Sharp Quills Once this card is struck, the striker is dealt 1 damage. 2
16 Ability strafepush Hefty At the end of the owner's turn, this and adjacent cards move in the sigil's direction. 1
17 Ability drawant Ant Spawner When this card is played, an Ant enters your hand. 3
18 Ability guarddog Guardian When an opposing card is played opposite an empty space, this card moves to that space. 1
19 Ability flying Airborne This card will ignore opposing cards and strike an opponent directly. 0
20 Ability sacrificial Many Lives When this card is sacrificed, it does not perish. 4
21 Ability preventattack Repulsive If a creature would attack this card, it does not. 4
22 Ability tripleblood Worthy Sacrifice This card counts as 3 Blood rather than 1 Blood when sacrificed. 2
23 Ability reach Mighty Leap This card blocks opposing Airborne creatures. 1
24 Ability splitstrike Bifurcated Strike This card will strike each opposing space to the left and right of the spaces across it. 4
25 Ability tristrike Trifurcated Strike This card will deal damage to the opposing spaces left, right, and opposite of it. 5
26 Ability icecube Frozen Away When this card perishes, the creature inside takes its place. 3
27 Ability randomconsumable Trinket Bearer When this card is played, you will receive an item if you have room. 5
28 Ability steeltrap Steel Trap When this card dies, the card opposing it also dies. A Wolf Pelt is created in your hand. 5
29 Ability randomability Amorphous When this card is drawn, this sigil is replaced by a random sigil. 3
30 Ability squirrelorbit Tidal Lock At the beginning of its owner's turn, this card will remove all Squirrels and Rabbits from the board. 5
31 Ability allstrike Omni Strike This card will strike all opposing creatures, or attack directly if there are none. 5
32 Ability buffneighbours Leader Creatures adjacent to this card gain 1 Power. 3
33 Ability createbells Bellist When this card is played, Chimes are created on adjacent empty spaces. 4
34 Ability debuffenemy Stinky The creature opposing this card loses 1 Power. 2

Act II (GBC) Sigils
# Sigil Name Effect Power Level
Pixelability mightyleap
Mighty Leap This card blocks opposing Airborne creatures. 1
Pixelability bifurcatedstrike
Bifurcated Strike This card will strike each opposing space to the left and right of the spaces across it. 4
Pixelability trifurcatedstrike
Trifurcated Strike This card will deal damage to the opposing spaces left, right, and opposite of it. 5
Pixelability frozenaway
Frozen Away When this card perishes, the creature inside takes its place. 3
Pixelability steeltrap
Steel Trap When this card dies, the card opposing it also dies. A Wolf Pelt is created in your hand. 5
Pixelability rabbithole
Rabbit Hole When this card is played, a Rabbit is created in your hand. 3
Pixelability sprinter
Sprinter At the end of the owner's turn, this card moves in the sigil's direction. 1
Pixelability touchofdeath
Touch of Death This card instantly kills any card it damages. 4
Pixelability fledgeling
Fledgling After surviving for 1 turn, this card grows into a stronger form. 2
Pixelability burrower
Burrower This card will move to any empty space that is attacked by an enemy to block it. 1
Pixelability fecundity
Fecundity When this card is played, a copy of it enters your hand. 3
Pixelability boneking
Bone King When this card dies, 4 Bones are awarded instead of 1. 2
Pixelability unkillable
Unkillable When this card perishes, a copy of it enters your hand. 2
Pixelability sharpquills
Sharp Quills Once this card is struck, the striker is dealt 1 damage. 2
Pixelability hefty
Hefty At the end of the owner's turn, this and adjacent cards move in the sigil's direction. 1
Pixelability guardian
Guardian When an opposing card is played opposite an empty space, this card moves to that space. 1
Pixelability airbourne
Airborne This card will ignore opposing cards and strike an opponent directly. 0
Pixelability manylives
Many Lives When this card is sacrificed, it does not perish. 4
Pixelability repulsive
Repulsive If a creature would attack this card, it does not. 4
Pixelability worthysacrifice
Worthy Sacrifice This card counts as 3 Blood rather than 1 Blood when sacrificed. 2
Pixelability bonedigger
Bone Digger At the end of the owner's turn, this card generates 1 Bone. 2
Pixelability brittle
Brittle After attacking, this card perishes. -2
Pixelability skeletoncrew
Skeleton Crew At the end of the owner's turn, this card moves in the sigil's direction and plays a Skeleton in the space behind it. 3
Pixelability greenmox
Green Mox While this card is on the board, it provides a Green Gem. 2
Pixelability orangemox
Orange Mox While this card is on the board, it provides an Orange Gem. 2
Pixelability bluemox
Blue Mox While this card is on the board, it provides a Blue Gem. 2
Pixelability gemanimator
Gem Animator Mox cards on the owner's side of the board gain 1 Power. 3
Pixelability rubyheart
Ruby Heart When this card perishes, a Ruby Mox replaces it. 3
Pixelability mentalgemnastics
Mental Gemnastics When this card is played, you draw cards equal to the amount of your Mox cards played. 3
Pixelability gemdependant
Gem Dependant If this card's owner controls no Mox cards, this card perishes. -3
Pixelability greatmox
Great Mox While this card is on the board, it provides all 3 Gems to its owner. 4
Pixelability handy
Handy When this card is played, discard your hand then draw 4 cards. 4
Pixelability squirrelshedder
Squirrel Shedder At the end of the owner's turn, this card moves in the sigil's direction and plays a Squirrel in the space behind it. 3
Pixelability attackconduit
Attack Conduit Other creatures within a circuit completed by this card gain 1 Power. 3
Pixelability spawnconduit
Spawn Conduit Empty spaces in a circuit created by this card play L33pB0ts at the end of the owner's turn. 3
Pixelability nullconduit
Null Conduit This card may complete a circuit, but provides no effect. 1
Pixelability batterybearer
Battery Bearer When this card is played, you gain an Energy Cell. 2
Pixelability detonator
Detonator When this card dies, adjacent and opposing cards are dealt 10 damage. 0
Pixelability sentry
Sentry When a card moves into the space opposing this card, they are dealt 1 damage. 3
Pixelability energyconduit
Energy Conduit If this card is part of a completed circuit, your Energy never depletes. 2
Pixelability bombspewer
Bomb Spewer When this card is played, fill all empty spaces with Explode Bots. 4
Pixelability doubledeath
Double Death When another creature you own dies, it dies again. 3
Pixelability powerdice
Power Dice Activate: Pay 1 Energy to set the Power of this card randomly between 1 and 6. 5
Pixelability enlarge
Enlarge Activate: Pay 2 Bones to increase the Power and Health of this card by 1. 4
Pixelability disentomb
Disentomb Activate: Pay 1 Bone to create a Skeleton in your hand. 3
Pixelability energygun
Energy Gun Activate: Pay 1 Energy to deal 1 damage to the space across from this card. 4
Pixelability looter
Looter When this card deals damage directly, draw a card for each damage dealt. 4
Pixelability truescholar
True Scholar Activate: If you have a Blue Gem, destroy this card to draw 3 cards. 3
Pixelability stimulate
Stimulate Activate: Pay 3 Energy to increase the Power and Health of this card by 1. 4
Pixelability bonehorn
Bonehorn Activate: Pay 1 Energy to gain 3 Bones. 4
Pixelability waterborne
Waterborne On the opponent's turn, creatures attacking this card's space attack directly. 1
Pixelability krakenwaterborne
Kraken Waterborne Same as Waterborne, except that this card becomes a Tentacle card when it emerges. 2

Act III (Botopia) Sigils
# Sigil Name Effect Power Level
1 Ability Sprinter Sprinter At the end of the owner's turn, this card will move in the sigil's direction. 1
2 Ability TouchOfDeath Touch of Death This card instantly kills any card it damages. 4
3 Ability Burrower Burrower This card will move to any empty space that is attacked by an enemy to block it. 1
4 Ability Unkillable Unkillable When this card perishes, a copy of it enters your hand. 2
5 Ability SharpQuills Sharp Quills Once this card is struck, the striker is dealt 1 damage. 2
6 Ability Hefty Hefty At the end of the owner's turn, this and adjacent cards move in the sigil's direction. 1
7 Ability Guardian Guardian When an opposing card is played opposite an empty space, this card moves to that space. 1
8 Ability Airborne Airborne This card will ignore opposing cards and strike an opponent directly. 0
9 Ability Repulsive Repulsive If a creature would attack this card, it does not. 4
10 Ability MightyLeap Mighty Leap This card blocks opposing Airborne creatures. 1
11 Ability Bifurcatedstrike Bifurcated Strike This card will strike each opposing space to the left and right of the spaces across it. 4
12 Ability TrifurcatedStrike Trifurcated Strike This card will deal damage to the opposing spaces left, right, and opposite of it. 5
13 Ability Amorphous Amorphous When this card is drawn, this sigil is replaced by a random sigil. 3
14 Ability Brittle Brittle After attacking, this card perishes. -2
15 Ability GreenMox Green Mox While this card is on the board, it provides a Green Gem. 2
16 Ability OrangeMox Orange Mox While this card is on the board, it provides an Orange Gem. 2
17 Ability BlueMox Blue Mox While this card is on the board, it provides a Blue Gem. 2
18 Ability AttackConduit Attack Conduit Other creatures within a circuit completed by this card gain 1 Power. 3
19 Ability NullConduit Null Conduit This card may complete a circuit, but provides no effect. 1
20 Ability BatteryBearer Battery Bearer When this card is played, you gain an Energy Cell. 2
21 Ability Detonator Detonator When this card dies, adjacent and opposing cards are dealt 10 damage. 0
22 Ability Sniper Sniper You may choose which opposing spaces this card strikes. 3
23 Ability Nano Armor Nano Armor The first time this card would take damage, prevent it. 4
24 Ability Overclocked Overclocked This card has 1 additional Power, but its removed from your deck if it dies. -1
25 Ability BombLatch Bomb Latch When this card perishes, give a card the Detonator sigil. 2
26 Ability BrittleLatch Brittle Latch When this card perishes, give a card the Brittle sigil. 3
27 Ability ShieldLatch Shield Latch When this card perishes, give a card the Nano Armor sigil. 1
28 Ability DeadByte Dead Byte When this card perishes, select a file and deal damage proportional to its size. 5
29 Ability HostageFile Hostage File When this card perishes, the file used to create it is deleted. 0
30 Ability Transformer Transformer At the start of your turn, this card toggles its Beast mode. 1
31 Ability Sentry Sentry When a creature moves into the space opposite this card, they take 1 damage. 3
32 Ability GemDetonator Gem Detonator Gem Vessels now Detonate. 1
33 Ability GemGuardian Gem Guardian When this card is played, all Gem Vessels on the owner's side gain Nano Armor. 2
34 Ability VesselPrinter Vessel Printer When this card is struck, draw an Empty Vessel. 2
35 Ability Swapper Swapper After this card is dealt damage, swap its Power and Health. 0
36 Ability Annoying Annoying The creature opposing this card gains 1 Power. -1
37 Ability GemSpawnConduit Gem Spawn Conduit Empty spaces in a circuit created by this card play Gem Vessels at the end of the owner's turn. 3
38 Ability GiftBearer Gift Bearer When this card perishes, gain a random card. 3
39 Ability Stinky Stinky The creature opposing this card loses 1 Power. 2
40 Ability BuffWhenPowered Buff When Powered If this card is inside a circuit, it gains 2 Power. 2
41 Ability GiftWhenPowered Gift When Powered If this card is inside a circuit when it perishes, gain a random card. 1
42 Ability TrifurcatedWhenPowered Trifurcated When Powered If this card is within a circuit, it will deal damage to the opposing spaces left, right, and opposite of it. 3
43 Ability Clinger Clinger When you play another card, this card moves as close as possible to it. 0

Grimora Segment Sigils
Sigil Name Effect Cards bearing the sigil naturally Notes Power Level
Ability TouchOfDeath G Touch of Death This card instantly kills any card it damages. Only listed in the rulebook. 4
Ability CorpseEater G Corpse Eater If a card that you own dies by combat, this card is played from your hand on its space. Only listed in the rulebook. 3
Ability BoneKing G Bone King When this card dies, 4 Bones are awarded instead of 1. Only listed in the rulebook. 2
Ability Unkillable G Unkillable When a card bearing this sigil perishes, a copy of it is created in your hand. Only listed in the rulebook. 2
Ability Guardian G Guardian When an opposing card is played opposite an empty space, this card moves to that space. Bonehound 1
Ability Airborne G Airborne This card will ignore opposing cards and strike an opponent directly. Banshee 0
Ability Repulsive G Repulsive If a creature would attack a card bearing this sigil, it does not. Starvation 4
Ability BoneDigger G Bone Digger At the end of the owner's turn, this card generates 1 Bone Gravedigger 2
Ability Brittle G Brittle After attacking, a card bearing this sigil perishes. Skeleton


Ability BombLatch G Bomb Latch When this card perishes, give a card the Detonator sigil. Only listed in the rulebook. 2
Ability BrittleLatch G Brittle Latch When this card perishes, give a card the Brittle sigil. Only listed in the rulebook. 3
Ability ShieldLatch G Shield Latch When this card perishes, give a card the Nano Armor sigil. Only listed in the rulebook. 1
Ability Stinky G Stinky The creature opposing this card loses 1 Power. Only listed in the rulebook. 2
Ability Clinger G Clinger When you play another card, this card moves as close as possible to it. Only listed in the rulebook. 0
Ability BloodGuzzler G Blood Guzzler When this card deals damage, it gains 1 Health for each damage dealt. Only listed in the rulebook. 0
Ability Haunter G Haunter When this card dies, a card played in its previous space gains this card's sigils. Only listed in the rulebook. 0
Ability ExplodingCorpse G Exploding Corpse When this card dies, all empty spaces play Guts Cards. Only listed in the rulebook. 0
Ability Apparition G Apparition This card gains 1 Power when you speak 'Bloody Mary' into your microphone up to a total of 13 times. Only listed in the rulebook. 0

Magnificus Segment Sigils
Sigil Name Effect Cards bearing the sigil naturally Notes Power Level
Ability RabbitHole M Rabbit Hole When a card bearing this sigil is played, a Rabbit is created in your hand. Only listed in the rulebook. 3
Ability Hoarder M Hoarder When this card is played, choose a card from your deck to be drawn immediately. Only listed in the rulebook. 4
Ability Amorphous M Amorphous When this card is drawn, this sigil is replaced by a random sigil. Only listed in the rulebook. 3
Ability GreenMox M Green Mox While this card is on the board, it provides a Green Gem. Emerald Mox 2
Ability OrangeMox M Orange Mox While this card is on the board, it provides an Orange Gem. Ruby Mox 2
Ability BlueMox M Blue Mox While this card is on the board, it provides a Blue Gem. Sapphire Mox 2
Ability GemAnimator M Gem Animator Mox cards on the owner's side of the board gain 1 Power. Orange Mage 3
Ability RubyHeart M Ruby Heart When a card bearing this sigil perishes, a Ruby Mox is created in its place. Ruby Golem 3
Ability MentalGemnasticks M Mental Gemnastics When this card is played, you draw cards equal to the amount of your Mox cards played. Blue Mage 3
Ability GemDependant M Gem Dependant If this card's owner controls no Mox cards, this card perishes. Gem Fiend -3
Ability GemDetonator M Gem Detonator Gem Vessels now Detonate. Only listed in the rulebook. 1
Ability Bellist M Bellist When this card is played, Chimes are created on adjacent empty spaces. Only listed in the rulebook. 4
Ability Clinger M Clinger When you play another card, this card moves as close as possible to it. Only listed in the rulebook. 0
Ability VirtualRealist M Virtual Realist If a VR Headset is connected, This card may be played without paying its cost. Only listed in the rulebook. 0
Ability HeadOfEdaxio M Head of Edaxio Edaxio is played if you play cards the Head, Arms, Legs and Torso of Edaxio sigils. Only listed in the rulebook. 0
Ability ArmsOfEdaxio M Arms of Edaxio Edaxio is played if you play cards the Head, Arms, Legs and Torso of Edaxio sigils. Only listed in the rulebook. 0
Ability LegsOfEdaxio M Legs of Edaxio Edaxio is played if you play cards the Head, Arms, Legs and Torso of Edaxio sigils. Only listed in the rulebook. 0
Ability TorsoOfEdaxio M Torso of Edaxio Edaxio is played if you play cards the Head, Arms, Legs and Torso of Edaxio sigils. Only listed in the rulebook. 0

The Sigils UNIQUE to Kaycee's Mod.
Sigil Name Effect Cards bearing the sigil naturally Notes Power Level
Ability BroodParasite Brood Parasite When a card bearing this sigil is played, an egg is created on the opposing space. Cuckoo 4
Ability Rampager Rampager At the end of the owner's turn, this card will move in the direction on the sigil. Cards in the way will replace where it was previously Wild Bull 1
Ability MadeofStone Made of Stone A card bearing this sigil is immune to the effects of Touch of Death and Stinky. Boulder

The Moon The Limoncello

Ability DoubleStrike Double Strike A card bearing this sigil will strike the opposing space an extra time when attacking. Dire Wolf Pelt Lice 4
Ability Blood Lust Blood Lust When this card kills an opposing card, it gains 1 Power. Wolverine Hodag 3
Ability Morsel Morsel When this card is sacrificed, it transfers its stats onto the card it was sacrificed for. Mealworm 3
Ability Armor Armored The first time a card bearing this sigil would take damage, prevent that damage. Mud Turtle 4
Ability bonedigger Bone Digger At the end of the owner's turn, this card generates 1 Bone. Dire Wolf Pup 2
Ability buffenemy Annoying The creature opposing this card gains 1 Power. Annoying Starter Deck -1
Ability opponentbones Scavenger While this card is played, opposing cards also grant Bones upon death. Raccoon 2
Ability hydraegg Finical Hatchling This card hatches when drawn if all lights on the egg are lit up. These correspond to the Power, Health, and Tribe of your deck. Hydra 4

Unused Sigils
Sigil Name Effect Notes Power Level

(Where Applicable)

Ability Sinkhole
Sinkhole Drag nearby creatures into the card bearing this sigil and kill them. If you make your extra sigil 27 by modifying your save file, your extra sigil will be the Sinkhole sigil. 5
Pixelability marrowsucker
Marrow Sucker Activate: Pay 2 Bones to heal this card. 1
Pixelability randombonepower
Bone Dice Activate: Pay 1 Bone to set the Power of this card randomly between 1 and 6. 3
Pixelability healingconduit
Healing Conduit Other creatures within a circuit completed by this card are healed at the end of the owner's turn. 5

Sigil Power Level[]

Power Level is a hidden game mechanic present throughout the entirety of Inscryption. Every Sigil has its own Power Level, which can in theory be any integer, but in practice is never set lower than -3 or higher than 5. Power Level is used to inform other mechanics about the general quality of a sigil.

It is worth noting that while many of the following effects from Act I use Power Level to exclude sigils with less than 0 power, there are no sigils with less than 0 power present in Act I. In Kaycee's Mod of Act I however, the Annoying Sigil is introduced, which has a power level of -1, which these checks serve to prevent its appearance on things such as totems.

Card Power[]

Card Power is a number the game uses to determine various effects. It is largely informed by the sigil power. The Card Power of a given card is equal to the combined Power Level of all its Sigils, plus the value of its maximum health and the value of its power multiplied by 2 (e.g. 1 attack power adds 2 to the total card power).

Sigils with negative power, namely Brittle, Annoying, Gem Dependent, and Overclocked each lower the total power level of a card by their given negative values.


  • Deck Trial - Rewards granted by completing the Deck Trial are inscribed with a random additional sigil. This sigil is never of a power less than 0 or greater than 5.
  • Totems - Totem bottoms will select a random player obtainable sigil between the power levels of 0 and 7.
    • This is done by picking a random number between 0 and 7. Any sigils with a power level equal to or less than the random number are considered valid. The specific sigil is then chosen completely at random from the remaining candidates.
    • In simpler terms, the totem will need to randomly select a number of 5 or higher to pick a level 5 sigil, and if the randomly selected number is 0, only 0 power sigils may be selected.
  • The Prospector - The Prospector's Boulder Selection event has a 66% chance to provide the player with an Insect card bearing a random sigil. This sigil is never of a power less than 0 or greater than 5.
  • The Trader - The Trader will reward you of a selection of 8 cards with one extra sigil if the player has a wolf pelt, and can take as many as they have wolf pelts.
  • Bomb Latch / Brittle Latch / Shield Latch - Latch Sigils controlled by the opponent rather than the player will select the target of their latch via the Card Power of available cards.
    • Skel-e-Latchers prioritise selecting the highest Card Power card the player has, while the others will target the highest Card Power card that the opponent has.
  • Amorphous - The Amorphous sigil will not randomly transform into a sigil with less than 0 power or more than 5 power.
  • Build-a-Card - The SP costs of various sigils during the Act III Build-A-Card event is equal to their Sigil Power.
  • Bounty Hunters / Friends - Bounty Hunters are randomly generated using 'stat points' based on your current bounty level among other factors (see Bounty Hunter for more info). These Stat Points are then spent on sigils and stats for the hunter, with each sigil costing points equal to its power level. Friends use the same system of point spending, except the amount of points they have available to spend is based on the amount of turns that have passed in the fight against G0lly.
  • Automatic Drafting - The Automatic Deckbuilding feature in Act II incorporates Card Power in its decision making process.